Register Wallpaper

First, let's register the wallpaper to be used.
Wallpapers can be registered from Wallpapers in the left menu of the settings screen.


Register picture wallpaper

Enter a name for the wallpaper in Name and select the wallpaper type.
Press Add to add it.
Then a wallpaper with no settings will be registered.
To register your photo settings, click on the name of the registered wallpaper to go to the wallpaper settings screen.
There you will see a imagePath box, enter the URL or path of the picture you want to use as your wallpaper.
For the path, you can easily enter the path by clicking the button on the right to display the file selection dialog.
Then press Save at the bottom to save the setting.
Registration for wallpaper is closed.

Register YouTube wallpaper

The process is the same as above, up to the point of registering a wallpaper to which nothing has been set.
To register your photo settings, click on the name of the registered wallpaper to go to the wallpaper settings screen.
There you will see a id box, enter the id of the youtube video you want to use as your wallpaper.
It is the string at the end of the URL that appears when you press the share button.
In this case it is oYVLIB2Nnic.
Then press Save at the bottom to save the setting.
Registration for wallpaper is closed.

Delete wallpaper

You can delete the wallpaper by pressing the Delete button next to Save at the bottom of the wallpaper settings screen.