Setting Wallpaper to Application

Finally, apply the desired wallpaper to the application.

Settings Wallpaper

Click Setting on the left menu to go to the setting screen.
Select the wallpaper you created earlier from the Select Box in Add: Select Box.
This adds a setting named nothing.
Click it to go to the detailed setting screen.


Enter the text contained in the title of the application window to which you want to add the wallpaper.
On a Mac, enter the text found in the application name, not the window title.
Multiple specifications can be specified by using commas (,).


Exception to set no wallpaper.
You will not set wallpaper for windows that contain the characters you type.
For example, let's say you wallpaper an app called Discord, and then use your browser to view Discord-related web pages.
And suppose the title of your web page contains Discord.
If the browser puts the title in the window title, the wallpaper is also set in the browser.
This configuration is to deal with this.
Like the Target setting, you can specify multiple targets by commas.


As described in How on the first page, the software simulates the translucent wallpaper by displaying a window on top of the application.
This is its transparency setting.


You can adjust the size of this setting.
You can change the display position or size of the wallpaper.
This is useful if the window has a special shape or you want to display partial wallpaper.
Raise a value of left 'or right' if you want to shift left and right.
For example, if you want to shift to the right, you can increase the value of left to put a space on the left.
If you want to move up or down, increase the value of up or down.
For example, if you want to shift it down, you can increase up to put a space above it.
Of course, negative values are also supported.
That is, it can shrink.


In this example, the wallpaper is applied only to the black areas in the terminal.


The wallpaper is also reflected in the bar and tabs above.
Depending on the wallpaper, it may be noticeable.
Adjust Example Before


By this setting: up: 55, down: -55
Adjust Example After

Save / Delete

It is possible with the two buttons at the bottom.